The Intensive English Program (IEP) is dedicated to helping our students along the journey to competence in English, to awareness of self and sensitivity to cultural differences, and to lifelong learning, all of which will prepare them to succeed in their academic endeavors. If students feel their needs are not being met, they may file a complaint.
A student at NYC Global Center may file a written complaint related to, but not limited to, the following: conduct of a faculty member, staff member, and/or administrator; learning standards and/or methods of instruction; facilities, equipment, and/or materials; school records; tuition and/or fees, and/or school records. If your problem is about your class grade, please see the Grade Appeals section of this handbook. If your problem is not about your grade but involves a class, its books, its instructor, its exams, or other related issues, please speak to the instructor first. If talking to the instructor cannot solve the problem (or if you really do not want to talk to the instructor yourself), you should then discuss the problem with support staff, an administrator, or the Student Advisor, whomever you deem more appropriate. If the problem continues, you may choose to submit a written, formal grievance (Formal Student Complaints/Grievance Form).
NYC Global Center divides complaints into two categories: informal and formal.
Informal complaints are defined as minor problems that do not jeopardize a student’s academic achievement or health/safety on the NYC Global Center premises. On the other hand, formal complaints are defined as issues that do jeopardize a student’s academic achievement or health/safety on the NYC Global Center premises. If a student has a formal complaint, he/she must put it in writing and deliver it in an envelope to a staff member or an administrator, in the front office. If a student requires assistance in making a formal, written complaint, he/she is encouraged to speak to a staff member or instructor for help.
All complaints are taken seriously and will be forwarded to the Campus Director for action. A formal written reply will be sent to your Email account within 10 business days. If the Campus Director decides that a meeting is necessary, you will be contacted within 10 business days to set up an appointment to resolve the issue. If a student is not satisfied with the action taken, on the part of the Campus Director, to resolve the complaint, he/she can request a meeting with the President/Proprietor for final resolution.